Saturday 5 October 2013

Robben Island

Day #19

Today was my trip to Robben Island, probably the most famous land mark in South Africa!

First off I went back to the Old Biscuit Mill, again! The food is so good there I thought Id get some lunch there on my way in to the waterfront. 

And the food didn't disappoint! This time
I decided to get myself a freshly cooked steak sandwich then got myself a HUGE Belgium waffle covered in ice cream, banana and chocolate sauce... Wow. It was incredible!! 

Then I headed to the waterfront to meet Chris before we headed to Robben Island. We did have a bit of excitement before hand as we were very close to missing the boat, long story, but we made it! Before long we had set sail...

When we arrived we headed straight for the buses and we had a tour around the island. I didn't realise how big it really is and how people still live there today. It was really interesting and we heard some amazing stories about life on the island and the islands history. 

Also, Penguins live on the island and they just wander round the island as they please, it was quite weird watching a group of penguins casually walk down the road. 

Learnt a lot. Saw a lot. Also had one of the funniest moments yet; me and chris were chatting to the tour guide when we stopped off to take a break and I asked him "If you had to swim now which direction would you swim?" (As from
Robben Island there's two ways you can choose to swim to land), his response still makes me smile; "Arghhhh I'm a Black Man, I don't swim!" Hysterical! 

After the bus tour we were dropped off at the high security prison itself and our new tour guide took over. 

Our Tour guide was an ex-prisoner on the island. He was in prison here for five years so it made the experience much more real as we heard about life on the island through a prisoners experience. Great to hear all the stories about his time in the prison and understand how poor the conditions really were! 

We made our way through the prison before arriving in block B. This area is where Nelson Mandela was kept in his single cell. Got the chance to reflect about the experience so far whilst outside Mandela's cell... (Warning; Cheesy Photo)

Seeing what Mandela lived in for all those years, what he endured, put into perspective the tough history of South Africa. 

The boat trip back to the mainland was freezing with very stormy winds headed straight for us! It was difficult to stand up with the gail force winds trying to knock you flat on your back. But it offered great views (even with the cloud) back over Cape Town. 

Had a great day out with Chris to Robben Island! Chris is a legend and good fun to be with...

Another Great day in Cape Town.

God Bless. 


  1. What a waffle !!! And I love the penguin shot. Robben Island certainly puts into perspective some of South Africa's history. Happy birthday for tomorrow !!

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAFFY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Love the penguins and your obsession with food photos !! Gill


Hello everyone,
hopefully now I've sorted out so you can leave comments a get in touch with me while I'm out here in South Africa. So please say hello in the comments.
Thanks, Cal