Tuesday 29 October 2013


Day #40

Today was Rugby final day! But before we headed to the rugby we had the whole morning and early afternoon to fill. 

So first off we headed to Milnerton Flea Market.

It was a long stretch next to the sea full of small market stall selling EVERYTHING!!!! 
It was cool to explore and see all the little bits and bobs from people homes which they're selling. 

I got myself one cool old South Africa coin for memory which I'm pretty happy with. 

After that we headed to The Old Biscuit Mill (yes again!) We loved it and shared some good food for the rugby. 

After we got back from a good lunch trip it was time to head to the rugby. This time the game had sold out in a few hours. 

It was the final of the currie up, the biggest rugby cup in South Africa. The match was between Western Province (the local team) vs The Sharks from Durban. 

The atmosphere was sooooo different compared to last week. The crowds were huge with the final buzz in the air. We got into our favourite standing area and it was packed to the brim. Standing should definitely be brought back to English stadiums, it's soo good! 

Before the players were out the songs had already begun. There was such an electric buzz around the stadium with anticipation for the game. 

As the players came out onto the pitch the stadium shaked with cheers, songs and whatever noise you could make to display your excitement! "WP Jou Lekker Ding" was the main chant which bellowed round the stadium. The volume was amazing. Again the national anthem was the best bit and I could even join in a bit as I've learnt some of it. 

The game was great as these two giants of the sport battled It out for ultimate glory. Last year was exactly the same final where the Sharks won and this season Western Province have been undefeated so we were the favourites going into the final. 

However, the WP couldn't handle the pressure of favourite and they lost. This is a shame as the stadium would of erupted with a WP win! Anyway, the atmosphere was great for the final and was a good game of rugby, just the Sharks were the better team. 

God Bless. 

1 comment:

  1. Good writing Cal u could be a sports reporter I thought the WP were going to win !!!
    Glad to see u still have that Taylor spirit in the market !! X


Hello everyone,
hopefully now I've sorted out so you can leave comments a get in touch with me while I'm out here in South Africa. So please say hello in the comments.
Thanks, Cal