Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Lions Head

Day #35

Today was the start of my third week with Save. This morning again I was back on Computers as they needed the numbers and a driver. I would prefer to try another project but it's not about me but the kids as I've realised so I'm happy to help where needed. 

Playtime was extra fun today as I played a lot of games with all the boys. We had races around the school, a pull up competition and playing Spider-Man! 

In the afternoon we had out weekly meeting about the week and projects in general.

Then it was chores around the site which involved cleaning the pool, car washing and building. 

Later that afternoon 8 of us headed for Lions Head to watch the sunset at the top. We caught the MyCiti to Civic Center then got a cab to the bottom of lions head. 

The walk up was amazing with views of all Cape Town. We had a great view overlooking Camps Bay as we walked to the top. 

The first half of the walk up was fairly simple with a good rocky path. The later stages got more exciting with ladders and some rock climbing to scramble up. 

Once we got to the top the sight was incredible. 360 degree views around of Cape Town! Plenty of photo opportunity!

Then we waited and watched the sunset. Myself and Stephanie found a great little spot behind a big rock to protect us from the winds then we all watch the sunset. It was incredible. Just beautiful! 

Can't express how good it was!! Wow was the only response I could give and that didn't do it justice! God isn't just good, in the words of Jack Wildsmith he's Flipping awesome! 

The walk back down was also just as cool in the dark! Made it a bit more exciting climbing down and seeing the lights of the city was cool as well! 

Had such a great evening and then we came back to a really good chicken curry (yes aunty Gill more emphasis on food)!

Great day!

God Bless. 


  1. Cal - my stomach just flipped seeing you on the edge of that rock, but I guess it was worth it for the view. Loving your news! Love Andrea x

  2. I'm with Andrea!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've just said to Mark...look at where Cal is standing in that rock....nooooooo!! But sounds like you are having such a great time & being a blessing to others! Praise God! Heather xxx

  3. Hi Cal lovin the photos with the kids and the dare devil vantage at Lions Head!! Glad to see you are maintaining your eating habits. I think I've been demoted to no3 auntie tonightxxx


Hello everyone,
hopefully now I've sorted out so you can leave comments a get in touch with me while I'm out here in South Africa. So please say hello in the comments.
Thanks, Cal