Friday 25 October 2013

Just another Wednesday

Day #37

Today (I think) was my last day on computers. Over the last three weeks I have taken not of all the names of the kids who I have had a one-to-one with. 

Lee Ann, Tyron, Benedict, Samone, Simangeliso, Luchiano, Liezel, Bradwon, Gerald, Ashlee, Teri Ann, Lezaan, Angus, Adriano, Deno, Damion, Clinton, Athi, Luzuko, Eselita...

Had a great time at computers and learnt a lot. It's a great project which is necessary for these kids but I'm looking forward to trying something new. 

Afternoon, surfing again which is just great! Wednesday afternoons Im used to be spending my time in St.Margarets study center but now I'm surfing in South Africa with table mountain in the background... Love it!!

After dinner a group of us walked to the beach (5 minutes away) to take a look at the left overs of the sun set! 

Again in the evening we chilled and enjoyed each other's company. Some more great conversations and laughs. 

God Bless.  

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Hello everyone,
hopefully now I've sorted out so you can leave comments a get in touch with me while I'm out here in South Africa. So please say hello in the comments.
Thanks, Cal