Thursday, 19 September 2013

Say hello to my little friend

Well the Sun had long gone by this morning- back to big dark clouds. But that's not a problem! 

Today was a big day. Today's the day I finally get my own transport so I can explore Cape Town for myself and become less dependant on others for lifts to projects ect... 

Say hello to my little friend... 

It's a White Toyota Tazz. Yes, Tazz!! Its a great little car. It is a workout just to turn the wheel, but it's worth it. 

Driving around in a completely new busy city is great fun and you really get to fully experience the place! I'm excited for future journeys in The Tazz! 

After that me and Chris set off in the car, first to the Petrol Station, then off to Kensington, an area of Cape Town.

In Kensington we were going to Factreton Primary School to visit the Life Zone project which is ran at the school.

The project targets young children using football to help them in their lives. The work being done there is growing, its really exciting to hear the work God has been up to. The project is bringing more kids to the school, they are now full to the brim! The pitch you see was only put in last week and they have hopes to develop more pitches, facilities and eventually a sports hall.

It was great to watch all the school children crowd to watch this 7-a-side under 11's game! The energy was amazing. Football was making a difference, it was exciting! 

Look forward to see and learn more about the amazing work God is up to in South Africa. God is good! 

Also just to say, I've tried to fix the comments for this blog so would be good to hear from you while I'm out here. So please say hello in the comments below. When it says "comment as" choose "name/URL" and leave your name. Look forward to hearing from you. 


  1. Yep, It works :)

  2. Out with your mother Cal. She is pining for you!!!!! Looks like you are havin a fab time. Keep blogging. X Helen

  3. Great blog Cal i am really enjoying reading it . Ur making me really jealous wish i was there too !!!! Helen

  4. Really enjoying reading your updates Cal! Pics are great to make it real. Praying for you!!
    Heather xx



Hello everyone,
hopefully now I've sorted out so you can leave comments a get in touch with me while I'm out here in South Africa. So please say hello in the comments.
Thanks, Cal