Tuesday, 17 September 2013


Day #01

So my first day in Cape Town...

Well the start of the day was fairly chilled. After not much sleep travelling I made the most of the comfy double bed and slept in until 9, eventually getting out of bed at 10ish...

In the morning I had the house to myself with Grace at school and Bruce and Louise out and about. 

In the afternoon I had my first trip to one of the townships with Louise... 

Louise is a Doctor who goes to various clinics and health centres to train some of the carers regarding health issues and treating patients. Today's training day was at the Baphumelele Respite Care Centre about Cardiovascular Diseases. 

The township we went to was Khayelitsha, the second largest township in Cape Town. It was such an experience to drive thorough the township and see what day to day life looks life for millions of South Africans living in townships like this one! (The clinic itself was in quite a built up area of the township, most of the township consisted of crowded metal shacks and long isles of shared toilet cubicles)

The Training Day was really good! It was interesting to watch how Louise interacted with the carers and I learnt quite a lot myself! Also, it was interesting to listen to what the carers thought about these issues.

Really enjoyed my first day in the township! 

I got a strong feeling and understanding of the background tensions between the different racial groups In South Africa!

The Township was particularly challenging today, the contrast in lifestyles between us living in Liverpool and these South Africans in the Townships was extreme! 

I'm looking forward to my next trip to a township and getting more involved with those living in these tough conditions! 

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Hello everyone,
hopefully now I've sorted out so you can leave comments a get in touch with me while I'm out here in South Africa. So please say hello in the comments.
Thanks, Cal