Sunday 15 September 2013

En Capital

1 plane down (not literally) and now 2 to go! 

Sad to say goodbye to mum Nat and Kez at the airport; mum tried her best to fight back the tears, she didn't succeed; Kez tried her best to get into my case, she didn't fit; and Nat tried his best to act cool and as if he wasn't bothered with me leaving, he failed -the hug gave it all away! 

First flight was great! Empty plane and even with delays due to weather we weren't too late arriving! 

London Heathrow Terminal One building is amazing, it's massive and full of loads of different shops including childhood favourite...

Just finished off a meatball and mozzarella panini and about to head towards the departure gate!

11 hour flight ahead and looks like I've got the middle seat, should be fun!

Next Stop Johannesburg...  

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Hello everyone,
hopefully now I've sorted out so you can leave comments a get in touch with me while I'm out here in South Africa. So please say hello in the comments.
Thanks, Cal