Sunday 10 November 2013

English Empire

Day #54

A perfect day. Blue skies. Plenty of sun. And only a gentle cool breeze to disturb the paradise. 

This morning I headed out to the a Helderberg National Park to take in more of the surroundings I'm living in. 

By 9 o'clock I had already started my walk through the park. Saw a sign which made me think of mum straight away...

Walking. And boy was it beautiful!

I did the leopard loop which took just under two hours. Takes you a good way up the Helderberg Mountain where you then contour around the mountain then complete the circular route by walking back. The views from higher up where even better!

As this year I'm going to miss our trip to the lakes youth hosteling which always involves a good walk followers by an even better cake I kept to the tradition and got myself an amazing Scone Jam and Cream from the cafe. Beautiful. 

Next; I drove to the strand, the main beach for the Somerset West area and today there was a big market which was cool to look around. Got myself a bracelet and some presents :) 

In the afternoon I head back Into Cape Town as Tom, the English lad from SAVE, was having a Braai/Pool party at his God Mums house. I was excited to see the house and all my well missed friends. 

Wow. Didn't expect this. Toms God mum is a millionaire and she built the house 12 years ago! It's very English and just very amazing!! There was the main house, which was huge. A cottage and a pool house! Insane! 

The house is in Constantia and had awesome views of surrounding hills, trees and fields. 

Again I was on Braai duty and I loved it. We had some incredible chunks of some tasty steak which was gooooooooood! And some ribs, chicken and sausage. 

Now I am a professional steak master cooking to order with Rare, Medium and Well Done cuts of juicy steak!

There was also lots of homemade brownies which honestly were sensational and homemade mince pies. My first mince pie of the year- and boy was it gooooooood!!!! 

I was in paradise. Even had the Liverpool game on in the pool house as we cooked away! 

And to make things more English... There was a croquet set on the lawn. 

The Braai was good then we watched South Africa vs Wales rugby match which SA won! Later in the night we had a big fire pit to chill around and just had a great night. Even included a midnight dip in the pool (not skinny dip don't worry)! Had a great night then it came to play a game... Find somewhere to sleep... Then go to sleep. There was a lot of us staying over and even with a lot of coaches and some beds sleeping space was limited. But got a great space on a big sofa in one of the living rooms but ended up having to share it. It was a great day!! Good to be back with my friends in this amazing place :)

God Bless. 


  1. What a day. Love the sign my motto to be sure! The party sounded amazing and with the Liverpool game in the background - perfect!!

  2. Hi as ever amazing photos glad the food is back on the blog Amy was very upset with me for commenting on the food focus she loves it!! Can't imagine the steaks will ever be the same back in UK. Glad you climbed another mountain and went shopping I'm looking forward to my pressie!!!!!! Crazy Auntie

  3. Hi Cal - just catching up on your news. Lovely to hear about the experiences God is providing for you (and those steaks look gorgeous!!) Love Andrea

  4. Not sure about the steaks myself.....but whatever you are into! Shame we can't all join you for a walk out there & a cake instead of the Lakes!!!! H xx

  5. Hey Cal, your time away sounds amazing! We're all very jealous of your sun and BBQs in the Jarvis house - makes A levels seem even more boring! Glad you're having some real adventures and making memories :) We'de also like to pray for you in Small Group, so maybe add some cheeky prayer requests on the end? Say hello to South Africa for us! Bethan (and Quest!) x


Hello everyone,
hopefully now I've sorted out so you can leave comments a get in touch with me while I'm out here in South Africa. So please say hello in the comments.
Thanks, Cal