Monday 9 December 2013

Lwandle vs Eerste River

Days #70-73 (Mon-Wed)

Back to prison for another action packed day.

Monday and Tuesday followed a similar theme back in the prison. We had two big matches; first match ended up 1-1 so we carried it over to tuesday to finish off with a big final... sadly our team lost but it was a great competition and an exciting game!


I headed back to Somerset West and the Helderberg Academy! In the morning i was responsible for finalising plans for the youth summer camp and then in the afternoon we had out match day. Two of our communities; Lwandle and Eerste River were going head to head in an epic competition. We split the communities up into two sets of teams, seniors and juniors. The teams competed in tug of war competitions and off course football matches. It was a great day! Lots of energy, lots of enthusiasm!

God Bless.

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hopefully now I've sorted out so you can leave comments a get in touch with me while I'm out here in South Africa. So please say hello in the comments.
Thanks, Cal